البحث عن وحدات وكمبوند والمطورين والمدن
New Cairo>Pyramids Developments>

Grand Square Mall

لوكيشن Grand Square Mall
Grand Square Mall New Cairo
Pyramids Developments Grand Square Mall
اسعار Grand Square Mall

عن Grand Square Mall

The best investment opportunities in the administrative capital 
- The first mall (commercial - administrative - medical) will be opened in the money and business area 
In front of the Council of Ministers and the government district next to the new Egyptian parliament 
The first mall to be opened in the capital within a year and a half 
Installment of up to 8 years, with a 5% down payment for a limited period




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هل تحتاج إلى مشورة الخبراء؟

املأ النموذج وسيتصل بك أحد مستشاري العقارات لدينا

أو يمكنك طلب اجتماع
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